Winter time in the Florida Keys can be a blast for Sharks, King Mackerel, Sailfish and other species. The faster cooling waters of Florida bay and the Gulf during cold fronts causes certain species to seek out the warmer waters of the deeper Atlantic Ocean. This can make for some fantastic action catching and releasing numerous species of Sharks in the warmer Atlantic coral reef and Hawk Channel areas. If not for cooler weather, most of these Sharks normally stay out in Florida Bay. Bull sharks are some of the largest of these preditors, but you may also encounter Black Tips, Black Nose, sharp nose, Hammerhead and maybe even a tiger shark. They can actually become a nuisance eating nice sized bottom fish that we hook up on charters like groupers and snappers. It can turn into epic battles of man vs beast but be ready to tag team them as the Bull shark does not give up easily and can be extremely stubborn. If targetinglarger Sharks, it definitely helps if a fighting chair is aboard. Stand up could take an hour or more even on 30-50lb tackle. They love anything bloody for bait but we try to feed them less desirable species for our dinner table like Bonito or Jack Crevalle. Also be careful when they finally make it to the surface. They can easily bite you or the boat! We use circle hooks so we know we will hook them in the mouth, and use light enough hooks that will straighten out for easy removal as we are catch and releasing all Sharks. If you want more info on shark fishing give me a call at (305) 699-8485. Goodluck in all of your fishing adventures!